Karen Harvey Reflexology

Get In Touch


Downsview Road, Hassocks,

West Sussex, BN6 8HY

My hours*

Thursday-Friday: 10am-6pm

Saturday: 10am-1pm

Contact me

Phone: 07813 657769

Email: hello@karenharveyreflexology.co.uk

  • Testimonials
  • What People Say
  • What People Think

If you have already had a treatment with me, and felt it had a positive effect, leaving a review is one of the most helpful things you can do to help out a small business like myself especially in times like these. If you are unsure of any details or how to write a helpful review, don’t hesitate to get in touch using the information displayed above.

*Note that if these hours don’t suit you, some out-of-hours sessions may be available – please contact me to see what I can do for you.

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