The word stress comes from the Latin word stringere meaning to “pull tight”. Indeed, we may find ourselves being pulled in many directions at the same time, and calm and peace may feel unattainable. Stress can be caused by work tensions, relationship difficulties, health issues and illness, bereavement, changes, debt, unemployment and so the list goes on. A constant state of stress is an overload on our bodies. Our body is in a constant state of alert, trying to fight the “attacker”. Over time this leaves us exhausted, our physical and emotional health suffers and we are susceptible to illness or “dis-ease”. This is where reflexology can help, providing support in returning your body back to balance and equilibrium. Allowing you to feel more relaxed, achieve better sleep and less “tight” amidst the business and pressures of modern day living. Reducing stress is key to optimising good health and building resilience